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Digital printing ink and paper how to choose

Thermal transfer digital printing industry with several parameters of the ink: fluidity, fast drying, color gamut, these parameters are actually more contradictory, thermal transfer ink is water-based ink, with a high concentration of color paste color sure Good (not absolute), high concentrations of flu will certainly be affected. So look good ink, look at this flat cross, that is, fluency is good, color Ye Hao. Commonly used thermal transfer ink domestic and imported:
Import: Delicate in Italy, J-TECK on behalf of the high-end, the price is 5 and 6 prefix; South Korea INK-TEC, INK-MATE quality is good.
Domestic: KBA, Tianwei, Hongsheng and many other brands, a large number of domestic ink, Zhuhai ink factory have to say that many manufacturers are separated from there, but the overall feeling prices have done relatively low, such ink color If you can accept it, it touches on the test, after all, the price is cheap, because the concentration of colorants so smooth will be good, you can guarantee that will not plug, to do the low-end (of course not absolute). Such ink prices are generally in their early 100, a large number of manufacturers over this side of the ink using this quality.
Thermal transfer paper is also divided into domestic imports:
Imported Han Song paper, Dutch paper, etc .;
Domestic paper is more numerous, at this stage the approximate price of 2 or so. A cheap 56, a good 2 56. All-paper application is relatively wide, but with other manufacturers to enhance the quality and lower prices, there are many very good choices.
Thermal transfer paper manufacturers purchase base paper, the coating, cutting into different applications of machine standards. Production of paper pulp grass pulp, wood pulp paper, reed pulp several, of course, some of the more poor mill will also be used recycled paper pulp.
Thermal transfer paper is good or bad depends on many aspects, 1, the original paper pulp, paper pulp using the best quality of paper, there is no static electricity, but also better adsorption of ink. 2, coating evenly, this needless to say. 3 fast drying.